April 19th 2021 – Since January 1st 2020, every applicant for a Quebec permanent selection must successfully complete an online test attesting their knowledge of democratic values and the Québec values expressed by the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms[1].
A score of 75% is needed to pass the 20 questions test.
99.54% passed the test on their first attempt and 100%, after 2 attempts.
If an applicant fails the online test, a second online test is available two weeks later. If ever the second test is also failed, the applicant must attend an information session called Objectif Intégration in Québec.
Failure to obtain the attestation will lead to the rejection of the application for a permanent selection from the Quebec government.
The statistics of the test results for the first year of this new requirement were released by the Quebec government. From January 1st to December 31st 2020, 14 698 applicants needed to take the test.
[1] Dependent children under the age of 18 and persons with a disability that prevents them from obtaining this attestation are exempt from this application. This requirement was introduced to facilitate new immigrants’ integration in Quebec society.